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Vet advice on how much water cats should drink

Cats can be fussy when it comes to drinking water. Some prefer to drink from puddles outside or straight from the kitchen tap. Others may seem to not drink much at all. 

Cats can also drink different amounts depending on their diet. “If your cat is eating wet food, they are likely getting much of their water intake from their diet,” says vet Sarah Elliot, “whereas cats that mainly have a dry diet will often drink more water.”

light ginger tabby cat drinking water straight from a silver kitchen tap

“The important thing is to always make sure your cat has access to fresh, clean water, so they can drink whenever they want to. 

“Place bowls of water in various locations around the home, so water is always within easy reach. Also, cats prefer it when their water is kept at a distance from their food bowl and litter tray, to avoid cross-contamination. They will usually drink more if you keep everything separate.”

How much water should my cat drink each day?

Here’s a guide to how much water a cat should drink each day based on their size:

If you think your cat is not drinking enough water each day, try following our 8 tips to get your cat to drink more water.

If you are concerned about any change to your cat's behaviour, including changes to their normal drinking habits, it can be a sign of a medical problem. Speak to your vet to see if anything is wrong.

How to measure how much your cat drinks 

To measure how much water your cat drinks each day:

  1. Fill a measuring jug with water at the beginning of the day and make a note of the amount of water.
  2. Put this amount of water into your cat’s water bowls.
  3. At the end of the day, pour the leftover water back into the measuring jug and make a note of the amount.
  4. Subtract the amount of leftover water from the amount you recorded at the beginning of the day. This will tell you how much your cat has drunk.

Or you could buy a water bowl that works this out for you. Sure Petcare’s Felaqua® Connect is a water bowl that monitors your cat’s water intake, giving you peace of mind. The bowl also refills with clean, fresh water automatically as your cat drinks. 

A white plastic cat water bowl with a clear bottle on top of it to dispense water from. Next to it is a smartphone showing the Sure Petcare app and a hub device that is a white dome with green cat ears on topThanks to our friends at Sure Petcare, you can receive a discount on their products, including the Felaqua Connect, and support Cats Protection at the same time.

Learn more about Sure Petcare’s product range and how to receive your discount.

Find more advice on cats and drinking.

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