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How to encourage your cat to drink more water

As with humans, water is a crucial part of a cat’s diet. It’s important that they have access to a fresh, clean supply at all times. 

Our pet cats are descended from the African wildcat, which lives in the dry African savannah. This ancestry means they can adapt well to dry conditions and are able to survive on less water than dogs can. But they are still prone to dehydration. This can lead to common health issues such as constipation, lower urinary tract disease and urinary blockages. 

Mature moggies (aged 11 or older) in particular will need to drink plenty of water each day. Their kidneys will need a bit of extra help to function properly. 

brown-and-white tabby cat sat behind ceramic cat bowl on a wooden floor
It’s important to remember that milk, cream or any other liquid is no substitute for water in a cat’s diet. In fact, many cats are lactose intolerant. This means they have difficulty digesting dairy products. Drinking milk could make them unwell. 

Our tips for getting your cat to drink more water

If you’re worried that your cat is not drinking enough water, here are a few tips and tricks you can try...

1. Refill their water bowl daily

The thought of drinking from a glass of water that’s been sitting around on the floor for a few days probably doesn’t sound very appetising. Your cat is likely to feel the same, so they will appreciate a bowl of fresh, clean water each day.

2. Place bowls throughout the house

Cats prefer drinking in different locations. Give them plenty of options to choose from so that a bowl of water is never too far away.

3. Try a different water bowl

Cats may also have a preference for a certain type of bowl. Plastic and metal bowls can taint the water, so try using a ceramic or glass bowl instead. Cats usually prefer wide, shallow bowls. This allows them to keep an eye on their surroundings while they’re drinking. It also keeps their whiskers from touching the sides of the bowl. Allow your cat to be able to sit behind the bowl of water so they can see all around them.

4. Try a water fountain

Many cats like the movement and freshness of flowing water. This is why you may have seen them try to drink from the tap! There are many pet water fountains you can buy online or from your nearest pet store.

Light-ginger tabby cat drinking running water from a silver tap

5. Keep water and litter trays separate

Just as you would not want to drink right next to your toilet, cats aren’t keen on drinking near their litter tray. This comes from their African wildcat ancestors. They would toilet away from their water source to avoid contamination. Keep the two in separate rooms if possible.

6. Separate the food bowl too

Cats also don’t like to drink near to where they eat. This also comes from their African wildcat ancestors. They try to avoid the gut contents of their prey contaminating their water source. Place their food and water bowls in separate locations.

7. Switch to wet food

Wet food contains about 70 to 80% water so will help your cat get a good proportion of their daily water needs just from eating. If they’re eating mainly dry cat biscuits, they will need to drink a lot more water. If you do switch your cat’s food, make sure you do it gradually. This will reduce the chance of them getting an upset stomach. 

8. Add some flavour

Adding a few drops of tuna juice (from tuna packed in water, not oil) or chicken broth will make the water more enticing for your cat. Just make sure the flavouring doesn’t include too much salt, as this is unhealthy for your cat.

Why do cats stop drinking water?

Many people put their cat’s water bowl next to their food bowl. But cats like to eat, drink and toilet in different places. This comes from their African wildcat ancestors. They try to avoid contaminating their water with their pee or poop or waste from their prey. 

Cats also like wide, ceramic or plastic bowls, although plastic bowls can taint the taste of water in the heat. They also often prefer running water.

If you are concerned about any change to your cat's behaviour, including changes to their normal eating and drinking habits, it can be a sign of a medical problem. Speak to your vet to see if anything is wrong.

How to monitor how much your cat drinks

To measure how much water your cat drinks each day:

  1. Fill a measuring jug with water at the beginning of the day and make a note of the amount of water.
  2. Put this amount of water into your cat’s water bowls.
  3. At the end of the day, pour the leftover water back into the measuring jug and make a note of the amount.
  4. Subtract the amount of leftover water from the amount you recorded at the beginning of the day. This will tell you how much your cat has drunk.

Alternatively, you could buy a water bowl that works this out for you. Sure Petcare’s Felaqua® Connect is a water bowl that monitors your cat’s water intake, giving you peace of mind. The bowl also refills with clean, fresh water automatically as your cat drinks. 

Sure Petcare Felaqua Connect water bowl next to smartphone showing Sure Petcare app

Thanks to our friends at Sure Petcare, you can receive a discount on their products, including the Felaqua Connect, and support Cats Protection at the same time.

Learn more about Sure Petcare’s product range and how to receive your discount.

Find more advice on cats and drinking.

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