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Chocolate could be deadly for your cat 

While most people know that chocolate is toxic to dogs, many have questions about cats. It can be tempting when we’re enjoying food to want to share with our furry friends. But chocolate can cause some serious health issues for cats. Our vets are here to break it down for you. 

Should I give chocolate to my cat?

No. A bar of chocolate may be a tasty treat for us humans, but you should never share it with your cat. It can create serious health problems and could be fatal. It’s best that other treats are favoured over chocolate when you want to give your cat something nice.

tortoiseshell cat sat on purple fleece blanket on a bed

Why shouldn’t cats eat chocolate?

Chocolate contains a chemical compound called theobromine which is toxic for cats and dogs. It acts as a stimulant to increase their heart rate and a diuretic to increase the loss of their bodily fluids. Both of these can prove fatal. 

In fact, theobromine is actually toxic for us too. But because our bodies can process it more effectively, we would need to eat around 70 grams to reach a lethal dose. That equates to eating around 35 kilograms of milk chocolate in one go, which isn’t easy for us to do!

Cats and dogs are not as good at processing theobromine. It stays in their bloodstream for much longer and can accumulate to dangerous levels more easily. Eating just a couple of grams of chocolate can be fatal for a cat.

Dark chocolate with a higher percentage of cocoa content will contain more theobromine than milk or white chocolate. But all are dangerous. If your cat has eaten any chocolate, you should call your vet straight away. 

Luckily, your cat is unlikely to want to try your chocolate anyway. They lack the ability to taste sweetness like most other mammals can. But you should still always keep it out of their reach in case they get curious. 

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in cats 

Some of the symptoms of chocolate poisoning in cats you should look out for are:

The severity of these symptoms will depend on your cat’s weight and how much chocolate they have eaten. But if you’re worried it’s best not to wait for the signs to appear before taking them to the vet. 

Find out more about poisoning in cats. 

What to do if your cat eats chocolate

If you think your cat has eaten any chocolate, call your vet straight away. Don’t wait for signs of illness, as by then your cat may be too sick to survive. 

If you can, tell your vet:

Your vet may ask you to bring your cat in immediately, or may give advice over the phone. Don’t force or encourage your cat to vomit up the chocolate. 

If your cat still has access to the chocolate, move it out of their reach immediately so they cannot eat any more. 

The sooner your cat can receive treatment, the less time the poison has to make its way through your cat’s body.

For many cats, those who receive early treatment will return to their normal selves within a short time. Speak to your vet for more information on your cat’s rate of recovery.

Alternative treats to chocolate  

A black cat being fed a cat treat by a human hand

If you want to give your cat a treat in the form of food, it’s safest to give them cat treats made specifically for cats. Other human foods can also be toxic to cats. Find out what food is poisonous to cats. 

You may be tempted to give your cat milk or cheese as a treat. Although they are not toxic, they are still not healthy for cats. Many cats cannot digest dairy products properly, giving them an upset stomach. Find out why cheese is bad for cats. 

If you do give them cat treats, keep in mind that they do contain a lot of calories. Make sure you limit the amount of cat treats you give your cat each day to prevent them putting on too much weight. When feeding them treats, reduce their allowance of cat food to make sure they are still getting the same amount of calories that day.  

You can also try placing treats or regular dry cat food in food puzzles. These encourage them to use up some energy while searching for the food. Find out how to make food puzzles for your cat. 

Instead of giving your cat a treat in the form of food, you could treat them with some fuss or play. Getting some attention from you may be all they need to keep them happy. Play also releases feel-good hormones, called endorphins, in cats’ brains. Find out how to play with your cat. Both fuss and play can be a great way to bond with your cat. 

Find out more about feeding your cat.

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