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Cat bullying: How to help your bullied cat

As your cat follows you around the house and nuzzles affectionately against your hand, it can be difficult to believe that they are naturally solitary animals. While they may enjoy being around you, they’re not so keen on hanging out with other cats. This can lead to problems when their paths cross.

Cats like to establish their own territory. They mark it with their scent by rubbing their cheeks against objects and leaving visual clues by scratching objects with their claws. Usually this discourages other cats from invading their space. But in densely populated towns and cities, it can be difficult for them to avoid each other.

tortoiseshell cat standing on top of fence

When two cats come face to face, they will usually give each other space to avoid any conflict. But some cats can be more confrontational and willing to stand their ground than others. This is when fights can start.

Whether your cat fights with their new neighbour or not, the sudden appearance of another cat in their territory can be enough to cause them stress. This can lead to changes in their behaviour at home. They may start going to the toilet outside their litter tray, showing aggressive behaviour or hiding more than usual.

While this can be frustrating for you, it’s important not to get angry at your cat or the other cat that’s causing the problems. Their need for territory is inbuilt and not something they can help. They are not being a bully or starting a fight out of spite. Punishing them will only make the problem worse. Instead it’s up to you to find a solution. Here are some things you can try…

1. Get a microchip cat flap 

tabby cat looking through cat flap

If the other cat is coming into your house and causing your cat stress, try installing a cat flap that will only open for your cat. You can get cat flaps that only unlock for your cat’s microchip. Or you can get ones that will only open for a magnetic collar you can put around your cat's neck. Get 10% off microchip cat flaps from Sure Petcare. 

2. Speak to the cat’s owner 

If you can find out who the other cat belongs to, it might be worth talking to the owner to try and find a solution. For example, you could work out a time-share system. They could let their cat out in the morning and you let your cat out in the afternoon, meaning they won’t come into contact with each other. You could also find out if the other cat has been neutered. Neutered cats are less likely to roam across larger areas and fight with other cats. If the owner would be happy to get them neutered this may solve the problem. Find out more about neutering. 

If the cat does not have an owner, you can contact Cats Protection for help. If the cat is a stray, we may be able to take them in and rehome them. If they are feral we can get them neutered. Find more advice on what to do if you've found a cat. 

tabby cat sitting in garden

3. Build an enclosed catio 

To prevent your cat from crossing paths with the other cat, you could completely enclose your garden with cat-proof fencing. This will keep your cat in and the other cat out. This may not be possible for everyone though. You could instead create a smaller enclosure, called a catio, within your garden that your cat can use. Make sure it has some perches for your cat to get up high and survey their surroundings. Also include some places for them to hide if they feel stressed. Find out more about creating the perfect catio. 

4. Create the perfect outdoor cat toilet

The presence of the other cat may cause your cat to become too scared to use their usual outdoor toilet spot. This could lead them to start going to the toilet indoors. Make sure they have a suitable indoor litter tray to use, and try creating a new outdoor toilet that is closer to the house. This will reduce the chance of them encountering the other cat. Dig a litter tray-sized hole and fill it with sand or fine soil. Place some pot plants around it to give your cat privacy. Find out how to create the perfect cat toilet outside. 

grey tabby cat hiding in long grass

5. Give your cat some hiding places 

When cats feel stressed or are worried about encountering another cat, they like to hide. This helps them feel safe. Give your cat lots of places to hide in the garden. Plant tall plants, place potted plants around the cat flap or create a little outdoor enclosure for them to hide inside. It’s also a good idea to create some hiding spots indoors too. Cardboard boxes are ideal for your moggy to shelter inside! Find out more about why cats hide. 

6. Cover the windows 

ginger and white cat sitting on windowsill with blinds closed

Even when your cat is indoors, they may still be wary of the other cat looking through the windows at them. You could try covering the lower part of windows with paper to block their view. Or limit their access to the windowsill. Also avoid placing their food bowl, bed or litter tray next to windows or cat flaps. They may be put off using them if the other cat is looking in.

7. Use a pheromone diffuser 

To keep your cat calm when they are indoors, you can try using a plug-in pheromone diffuser such as FELIWAY®. This will fill your home with a scent they’ll find familiar, helping them to feel safe.

8. Encourage your cat to play

If your cat is reluctant to go outside, they may become restless being stuck indoors. Giving them opportunities to play will help to keep them active and engaged, reduce their stress and release happy hormones in their brain. Try getting them to chase a fishing rod toy or give them a puzzle feeder that gets them to work for their food. Find out how to play with your cat. 

Find more advice on keeping your cat safe outside.

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