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It's simple to teach your cat to toilet outside by following these tips

The secret to getting your cat to toilet outside is to make them an outdoor toilet that is perfect for their needs.

Our domestic cats evolved from the African wildcat, which lives in sparse, sandy terrain where they are able to bury their poop. This is important for their survival as it enables them to cover up any trace of their whereabouts from nearby predators.

Although our pet cats don’t have to worry so much about predators, they’ve still retained this behaviour. They still need specific conditions for toileting. Unfortunately our back gardens don’t quite resemble the African savannah, so we need to do a bit of work to make them appealing to our cats.

ginger cat curled up relaxing on garden deckling

Modern gardens with decking and concrete don't make great cat toilets

Toilet type

The most important thing is to provide suitable material for your cat to bury their poop in. Soil or fine play sand is perfect as it is easy for your cat to dig. You could place a litter tray containing your chosen material outdoors. Or you could dig a toilet for them, the same size as a standard litter tray or bigger, and fill it with the material. You’ll need to make sure it is available for them all year round. If it freezes over in winter then you will need to provide an alternative toilet.


As it is for us, going to the toilet is quite an exposing behaviour for cats. They need somewhere private and safe to do it, away from any loud noise and neighbourhood cats. Position their toileting site as close to the house as possible so it is in their core territory. At the edge of the garden is best, rather than in the middle. Put some plants around it to shield your cat from view.

tabby kitten peering around tree

Your cat will prefer a private toilet obscured from view

Time of year

If you are trying to encourage your cat to use their new outdoor toilet, it’s best to do it when the weather is warm and dry. During the winter months it will not be so appealing. You could try putting up a shelter or windbreak around it to protect your moggy from the elements.

Keep their indoor toilet

Encouraging your cat to toilet outside can be tricky, so it’s important not to change anything about their current indoor toilet. They should always have the choice to use it if they want to. If you’ve created the perfect toilet for them outside, they will hopefully start to use it over time. 

Find more advice about cats and toileting.


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