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Perhaps you've never streamed before or are just looking for a dose of inspiration? Take a look at our cat-themed ideas as well as our top tips on how to make your stream for cats a success
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Streaming ideas

Cat nap marathon – Did you know cats can sleep for up to 18 hours a day? Why not host an 18-hour streaming marathon. Showcase your love for cats while gaming, chatting, and sharing heartwarming stories about your cat(s). You could also create themed hours, like ‘Cat trivia’ or ‘Kitty karaoke’.

Your fate is in your cat’s paws – Have your cat choose from a selection of cards with different games – whichever card gets a head bop is your destiny.

Cat chase – Challenge your gaming skills with a speed run! Set a donation goal and see how quickly you can complete beloved classic games. Offer incentives for donations, like cat themed dance moves for every level completed. 

9 lives – Gather your gaming buddies and host a gaming tournament in which each contestant has nine lives. Choose a popular multiplayer game, and have participants battle it out for the crown. 

Kitty crafting and creating – Use your creativity, artistic ability or crafting talent and add a cat slant. You could crochet a kitten, clay model a moggy or charcoal draw a black cat and auction off or giveaway the finished product!

Cat themed content – Who doesn’t love cats in game play? Why not centre your stream around games that feature cats, like Stray, CatQuest or Big Kitty Little City. 

Gaming challenges – Take on daring gaming challenges to inspire donations. Attempt to finish a game on maximum difficulty, face a final boss blindfolded, or complete a popular game using only a specific type of in-game item (for example, green weapons in Fortnite). Share your progress and celebrate the small victories, making it engaging and motivating for your viewers to support the cause.

Some inspiration from our past fundraisers

GreyCatgg raised £520 doing a week-long stream. He streamed a variety of games and set challenges for donation amounts and goals such as getting ChatGPT to plan their day and dressing up as a cat. 

Discord Mods raised more than £1,000 after running the Valorant Cat Cup. 32 teams signed up, with more than 100 players, including subs, getting involved overall. Prizes included three 27-inch AGON by AOC monitors, snoods, water bottles, t-shirts and hoodies, plus Sneak Energy starter packs. 

Top tips for successful fundraising streams

Welsh streamer and organiser of annual, country-wide streaming events @johnnybeard42 shares his top tips for smashing your fundraising target. Johnny spent a whole month running Final Fantasy games on a shuffler to raise money for Cats Protection. Every 30 minutes the game switched, but every £50 raised shortened the switch time!

  • Share, share, share! I shared information of my event on many socials; X (Twitter), Twitch, Instagram and Facebook
  • Incentives. One of the things we did to help raise £1,000 for Cats Protection was to have incentives on our donations such as eating super sour sweets, doing wax strips to parts of the body, letting viewers name some our characters and doing squats!
  • Be yourself. Some of the best tips I can give to people thinking of fundraising is to be yourself, believe in the cause you’re raising funds for, be authentic, and don’t get disheartened if at times you’re not raising as much as you hoped for. In the end, you’re putting yourself out there to make the world a better place for all… including all of the wonderful cats and kittens, so be proud of what you are doing at all times! 
Getting started with your fundraising

You probably know all about getting your stream set up just perfectly, but what about your fundraising? Follow these easy steps to get started.

  1. First, you need to set up a fundraising page on Tiltify or JustGiving. Pages setup on JustGiving and Tiltify automatically direct all funds to Cats Protection; there's no need for any money handling by the fundraiser!
  2. You can set up and customise a campaign page by adding your stream date, time, schedule, as well as any milestones or incentives you intend to run. This is a great time to add targets or add any polls you want supporters to know about.
  3. Once you’ve set up what you want, publish your campaign and get  ready to receive donations from your donors! 
Fundraising tools on Tiltify
  • Polls – By creating a poll, you put the power in your donor’s hands and let the donation battle commence! Why not let your audience choose which game they want you to play next, which outfit they want you to wear, or which food they want you to eat?
  • Rewards – These are incentives that you can provide to your community when they donate a specified amount to your campaign. Similar to purchasing a product online, they can view your rewards, choose the ones they want, donate the specified amount and then it will be on you, the fundraiser, to fulfil the reward!
  • Milestones – These represent goals that you want to achieve. You can encourage your community to donate by adding activities you will do when the milestones are met.
  • Targets – These are 'micro' goals you can set within your campaign, often timed to create a sense of urgency for fundraising. Similar to how Milestones can be used to challenge your community to hit a certain fundraising goal for the overall fundraising campaign, Targets allows you to create multiple goals for your community to try and hit.
  • Donation match challenge – Donors can opt to match donations for a specific amount of time or up to a maximum amount of money, inspiring others to maximise their contributions.
  • Using our cause message – Share Cats Protection case studies and stats to inspire your audience to donate and support our cause. This could include personal stories of the impact Cats Protection support has had on you or your cat.
  • Display your incentives, polls and targets  on your donation page and make sure to promote them on your stream.
Welfare and education

At Cats Protection, welfare and education are top of the list and your stream can help spread the message.

We know your communities love seeing and hearing about stories of your cat or cats you’ve once had, so it’s great to hear about the positive experiences you have caring for cats. If you can, please help us to spread the word that Cats Protection is making a better life for cats, because life is better with cats.

We’ve got loads of resources and materials to help you, including some top welfare advice and video content. 

Did you know:  

  • cats don’t like wearing clothes?  
  • jump scare videos cause cats stress?  
  • regular issues found in cats who have come into our care include skin conditions and overgrooming, which can be linked to stress?  
  • every part of a lily is poisonous to cats? We have some great information on plants that are good in the home!  
  • cats prefer to have their food and water in different places?  

Cute pictures are the best way to show your cats on stream (and increase donations!) but if your cat makes an unexpected appearance encourage natural behaviour or play with them.  

We’ve seen some great examples of camera feeds just for streamers’ cats, located over their favourite sleeping spots so that viewers can bask in the cuteness.   If you want to know more about cat welfare and behaviour check out our guides here or email us  

It's important to put yourself first...

Don’t neglect your welfare either! Take regular breaks, stay hydrated and if you’re feeling like you can’t go on, stop.  

Spending too long looking at a screen can affect many people negatively. We have a couple of guidelines/tips to help you help yourself while fundraising for Cats!  

  • Take regular breaks 
  • Limit your streaming length 
  • Keep hydrated
  • Look after your eyes
  • If you aren’t feeling well, postpone or stop your stream 
How to keep your stream safe and legal
  1. Follow the community guidelines and platform rules - Make sure you are familiar with the community guidelines and terms of service of the streaming platform you are using
  2. Rate the stream appropriately 
  3. Content copyright and licensing - make sure that you are using only streaming content that you have legal right to use avoiding any copyrighted music, videos or other materials without proper permissions or licences,  -Read and understand the terms of service of the platforms you are streaming on. Some platforms have specific rules regarding copyrighted content 
  4. Inappropriate content and behaviour - Please maintain a respectful and inclusive atmosphere on your stream, avoid use of offensive language or language that could be perceived as harassment  

It is important to stay up to date with your streaming platform’s guidelines to avoid any issues. If you have any uncertainties, please clarify this with your streaming platform’s support resources. 

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