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Thinking about signing up to stream for cats? Find out more in our FAQs.
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  • What is stream for cats? 
    Stream for Cats is a community of streamers, creators and content makers who want to make a better life for cats. Together, we raise money for Cats Protection, helping cats stay healthy, happy and safe. Whether you're a seasoned streamer or just starting out, sign up  and help cats today!
  • What is a charity stream? A charity stream is when an individual (or team of people) host an event, typically online. Our wonderful supporters stream live content such as video games, performances, discussions, or other activities with the goal of raising funds for Cats Protection. These livestreams are hosted on platforms like Twitch, YouTube and TikTok, where viewers can interact with the hosts and donate to their fundraising pages for Cats Protection
  • How do I fundraise? Get started by registering to Stream for Cats with us today, we will then be in touch to support you throughout your fundraising journey. Your next step will be to set up a fundraising page, which you can do through JustGiving or Tiltify. Decide on the date of your fundraising stream, what activity you want to do and how you will promote this event. During your stream you can ask your viewers to donate to your fundraising page. We have tips to support successful streaming, ideas on what to do, resources to promote your livestream and plenty of cat content for you to use
  • How do I do a livestream? Livestreaming can be a simple as going live from your console to having a full stream setup with webcams. To get started you'll need an account for a streaming website, a console that supports streaming or a computer, and an internet connection but you can enhance your stream quality with microphones, webcams and other elements. For more information, check out our page on streaming basics. Accounts are available for free on live stream sites such as Twitch, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook gaming
  •  I don’t know how to stream or I don’t want to, but still want to support Cats Protection. What can I do? We have some guidance on how to run a livestreaming event. You don’t have to stream though, there are still loads of ways you can support Cats Protection. From joining one of our running events, crafting with cats or putting on your own fundraising event.
  • How much do I have to fundraise? We are grateful for however much you are able to raise and Stream for Cats welcomes both seasoned streamers and newbies just starting out. See our page on the impact of your fundraising to find out more about the difference your charity stream could make.
  • When will I get my fundraising incentives? What are they? As a thank you, when you hit certain fundraising milestones,  we have little fundraising incentives for both you and the important cat in your life. Check out the incentives on our latest campaign. At the end of your fundraising event, we will bundle together your treats and pop them in the post
  • What Stream for Cat events/campaigns are you running at the moment? You can either fundraise your way or join our latest campaign. There are bespoke resources to educate and entertain your audience. Along with exclusive fundraising milestone incentives for you and the cat in your life
  • Do you have any suggestions on what I can do for my stream? We’ve got ideas and activity suggestions on themed events/campaigns. Or you can check out more suggestions for your stream here.
  • Do you have any tips on successful streaming? Planning your stream and testing your tech is key, especially if you're considering doing a longer or marathon stream. Have a schedule, know what you're going to do/play and that your setup is all sorted. Have a backup in case of emergency too! If you've got an existing audience or a type of content your known for, try to combine that with your fundraising. More tips on planning and executing your stream are here.
  • What support does Cats Protection offer its streamer?The Stream for Cats team are here to help! We offer various information, talking points and graphics for use on stream and in the lead up for promotion. You can find these elements here. We also have information on how to use popular fundraising sites like Tiltify and JustGiving here.
  • How do I promote my Stream for Cats? Promotion is a huge part of a successful stream and social media is a powerful tool. Stream for Cats recommend giving suitable lead in time before your stream to generate hype and grab more potential viewers and donators. An announcement post or video with date, time and potentially content is the best place to start, then  a supporting posts leading up to your fundraiser about incentives, ways to get involved or the impact of your fundraising. Let us know the time and date of your stream and we'll promote your stream across our Stream for Cats social accounts if possible. You can also find some promotional assets here.
  • How do I talk about cats and cats' welfare? Stream for Cats will provide information you can share on stream about cats, the work Cats Protection does and our various appeal or event topics. You might find our resource page on Facts about Cats useful. If there's a specific topic, service or area of Cats Protection work you'd like to talk about then get in touch and we'll see how we can support you.

Remember in the UK only a qualified veterinary surgeon registered with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) can carry out acts of veterinary surgery in the UK. This includes diagnosis, medical and surgical treatments, and the performance of surgical operations

  • What impact could my fundraising have?
    Fundraising, whether it's £1 or £1,000, is crucial to supporting Cats Protection work and as content creators with a platform and an audience your voice can help spread understanding and good cat welfare. You can find out more on how your fundraising could benefit cats here.
  • How can corporates and gaming industry support Cats Protection? We’d love to explore opportunities with game developers and those involved in the industry. Drop us an email at  and tell us how you’d like to work together
  • I have more questions. Please email and one of the fundraising team would be happy to help. You can also connect with us through X and Discord
  • I’ve got a really cool idea, who should I talk to? We love cool ideas! Drop us an email at and one of the fundraising team will get back to you
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