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Allergic to cats? Here are our top tips to combat the sniffles.

If moggies leave you feeling sneezy or itchy, don’t despair! There are plenty of tips and tricks to help you manage your symptoms while living happily with a feline friend.

grey tortie cat

Being allergic to cats doesn't necessarily stop you from giving one a home


First of all, make sure that cats are the cause of your allergic reaction as it could be dust mites, pollen or another common allergen that is setting off your sneezes.

If you already have a cat, try a trial separation from them to see if they are the trigger. Put them in their own room of the house, or book them into a cattery for a few days, to see if your symptoms clear up.

If you’re thinking of adopting a cat, you can visit your local Cats Protection centre to test if you have a reaction. They will be able to let you spend some time with the cat you are interested in adopting, so you can make sure you're not allergic. It may be that you’re allergic to some cats and not others, so if you have a reaction to one, they may still be able to find you a new pet that’s suitable.

If you are allergic to cats, then there are many things you can try that will hopefully make your symptoms more manageable.


Do you have any tips for living with a cat allergy? Let us know in the comments below!

For more information, visit our cats and allergies page and watch our video below.


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