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Worried about leaving your cat when you go on holiday? Find out what to do with your cat when you go away

Deciding who will look after your cat while you’re on holiday is an important decision. But as long as you prepare in advance and do your research, finding the perfect cat holiday care is simple. It will give you peace of mind when you leave your beloved kitty behind.

While it might be tempting to try and find a cat-friendly holiday and take your feline friend with you, most cats find travel quite stressful. There’s also an increased risk of them going missing in an unfamiliar environment.

Instead, follow our top tips for finding cat care at home when you go on holiday...

1. Decide what’s best for your cat

Every cat is unique, so a certain type of cat holiday care might suit your cat more than another. The two main options are:

Cats are happiest in their familiar environment and thrive on predictable routine. They will usually find having a cat sitter visit them at home the least stressful option, particularly if they are a nervous cat. But if you think your cat will be happy in a cattery environment then you can look into this option instead.

brown tabby-and-white cat sat on windowsill looking out window with raindrops on it

2. Do your research

Whether you opt for a cat-sitter or cattery, take the time to research the cat holiday care options near you. Asking friends, family and neighbours for recommendations is good place to start. Read reviews online to see what other cat owners think of the services provided in your local area.

3. Meet in advance

It’s a good idea to meet with the person who will be looking after your cat while you’re on holiday. Check you’ll be happy with the care they provide. If you’re using a cattery, ask to visit the facilities where your cat will be staying. Check that they look safe and clean. If you’re booking a cat sitter, invite them to your home to meet you and your cat in advance. This will allow to make sure you all get along ok.

4. Ask lots of questions

Before you book your cat holiday care, make sure to ask plenty of questions. Ensure you’re happy with the care that will be provided. For cat sitters, ask what times of day they will be able to visit and how long they will be able to spend with your cat. Make sure they know what to do if your cat becomes unwell or goes missing. For a cattery, ask to see their licence and check what measures are in place to prevent cats escaping. Check that they keep cats separated to prevent stress and the transmission of diseases. If your cat requires any medication, check they can administer this safely.

white-and-black cat sat behind glass in brown cat bed inside cattery pen with cat flap visible

5. Book in advance

Once you’ve found a cattery or cat sitter you’re happy with, check their availability before you book your holiday. Some can get booked up quite far in advance so try to give them plenty of notice if you can.

6. Leave detailed instructions

When you go on holiday, provide the cattery or cat sitter with plenty of information to help them care for your cat. Let them know what food your cat eats, how they like to be stroked and what toys they like to play with. Most importantly, make sure they know how to contact you in case of an emergency and the details of your cat’s vet. We’ve put together a handy checklist you can give to your cat sitter or the cattery with all the important information they’ll need. Find the cat sitter checklist.

7. Leave something that smells of you

Cats rely heavily on scent to understand the world around them. When you go away, leave your cat with something that smells of you, such as a t-shirt or blanket. The familiar smell will help them to settle into their new environment or routine while you’re gone. It will also provide them some comfort if they’re missing their favourite human. You could also use a plug-in pheromone diffuser, such as FELIWAY®, to help your cat cope with any stress while you are away.

Find more advice about what to do with your cat when you go on holiday.


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