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Why your cat gets the ‘cat zoomies’ and what you can do about it.

Cat zoomies. Mad-half hour. Climbing up the walls. There are many phrases for that time of day, usually early in the morning or evening, when your cat runs frantically around the house for no apparent reason.

Another name for this behaviour is a ‘frenetic random activity period’ or FRAP. It’s actually a natural behaviour that a lot of cats display, but it’s more common in younger cats or indoor cats.

tabby and white cat photographed with a fish eye lens

An occasional burst of ‘frapping’ is quite normal. But if your cat is getting the zoomies on a daily basis, this could be a sign that they are under-stimulated and frustrated.

Not only is this stressful for your cat, but it’s also likely to cause you a bit of stress too, as they tear around your home destroying curtains and disrupting your lie-in.

If you think your cat is frustrated, then there are a few simple things you can do to help…

1. Play throughout the day

A great way to encourage your cat to burn off all that excess energy is to have regular play sessions with them. Instead of having one long, 15-minute play session in the evening, spread a few short, five-minute play sessions throughout the day. Try mixing up the types of play they do too, with different toys such as fishing rods, ping pong balls and kicker toys.

For more tips on how to play with your cat, watch our video.

2. Let them catch

While playing with your cat is a great way to prevent frustration, there are some toys that can actually have the opposite effect. Most of the enjoyment cats get from playing comes from being able to catch and ‘kill’ the toy. This releases happy hormones, called endorphins, in their brain. Laser pointers and videos of mice and fish on a laptop screen may grab your cat’s attention. But because your cat can’t physically catch what they’re chasing, they’ll be left frustrated. Find out more about playing with your cat. 

ginger and white cat with blue fishing rod toy in mouth

3. Feed little and often

Instead of having a couple of big meals like we do, cats prefer to eat three or four smaller meals throughout the day. This keeps their energy levels more stable. You could also try giving them their food using puzzle feeders. This will provide some physical and mental stimulation while they eat. There are lots of great puzzle feeders you can buy, or find out how to make puzzle feeders at home.

For more tips on how to make your cat’s feeding time more exciting, watch our video.

4. Try some training

A great way to keep your cat mentally stimulated is to train them to perform some tricks. That’s right, it’s not just dogs that can be trained! Make sure you always use positive reinforcement, such as providing treats or a fuss when they get it right. Never punish them for doing anything wrong. Find our guides on how to train your cat to roll over, sit or lie down on command.

black and white cat giving a high five

5. Block out neighbouring cats

If you have an indoor cat, they may get frustrated if they can see other cats out the window when they can’t go out and chase them away from their territory. Try blocking off the lower part of your windows with some paper to keep your cat oblivious to these other cats. Make sure other cats have no way of getting into the house. Microchip cat flaps are a great way of doing this. Get a discount on Sure Petcare cat flaps.

long-haired brown cat sitting on windowsill looking out window

6. Create a calming environment

To keep your cat relaxed and happy at home try providing them with cat grass and other cat-friendly plants they can explore. Find out why cats like grass. Also give them lots of places they can hide. Cardboard boxes are always a hit with cats. Being able to hide inside helps them feel safe and reduces their stress. Having a few empty shelves or windowsills to sit on will also keep them calm, as they can survey their surroundings from a safe vantage point. You could also try using a plug-in pheromone diffuser, such as FELIWAY®, to create a calming environment.  

grey cat curled up in cardboard box

Find more advice on how to help a bored cat.

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