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Got a question about your challenge event or fundraising? We’ve got the answers you need here.

Your event

I’ve been asked to complete a portal/console, what does this mean?

Some of the events we have places at are run by a third-party organiser and you may need to complete an additional registration form for the event organiser, so they can also register and confirm your event entry.

Once you have signed up for an event with us, we’ll add you to the event portal/console and you’ll receive a notification email to complete your registration. Please look out for this and follow the instructions in the email to confirm your place in the event. If you don’t complete the console/portal by the deadline, your event entry may be withdrawn.

I can’t find my event listed on your website, can I still fundraise for Cats Protection?

Of course! Please choose and fill out one of the forms below, so we can support you with your fundraising journey and send you a Cats Protection fundraising pack.

I can’t take part in my event anymore, what should I do?

Please contact with your details and the name and date of your event as soon as possible, so we can look into cancelling your place and reallocating it to someone else.

Can I sign up to an event as a team?

For most events you will need to sign up individually, as each person in the team will need to be sent their own race number. However you’re more than welcome to collect and pool your fundraising together. If there is an event which you can take part in as a team, you will see this clearly listed on the event webpage.

I’ve not received my start time or race pack for my event.

Cats Protection doesn’t send out start time information or race day packs. This will be sent by the event organiser. If you have any questions on this, please contact the race organiser directly.

My personal details have changed, how shall I let you know?

If your personal details change before your event date, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing

Do you want to see my photos from my event?

Yes, please! We love seeing your event photos. Please post them on social media, tagging @CatsProtection or email them to If you’d like to be a case study for Cats Protection, please fill out this form. We’d love to hear from you. 

Fundraising help

Why is there a minimum sponsorship amount for my event?

Cats Protection has to buy places at events and the minimum sponsorship amount ensures we cover the cost of each place while also raising crucial funds on top of this to help cats and kittens in need.

How do I set up an online fundraising page?

You can create a JustGiving page here by clicking the ‘fundraise for us’ button. Creating a fundraising page is quick and simple, and a safe way for your family and friends to donate. Plus all the money you raise comes automatically to Cats Protection! Remember to add any offline donations to your page too. You can follow the instructions on how to do this here.

How do I send the money I’ve raised on JustGiving to Cats Protection?

Any money you’ve raised on JustGiving will come automatically to Cats Protection so there is nothing more you need to do.

I’ve raised money in cash, how do I send this to Cats Protection?

For any cash donations, we’d recommend banking the cash you’ve raised and then making a donation to one of the following Cats Protection webpages:

Does money I raise through Gift Aid go towards my minimum sponsorship amount?

No, any money raised through Gift Aid is excluded from your sponsorship amount.

How long do I have to raise my fundraising target?

We ask that all the money you’ve raised is paid in no later than 12 weeks after your event date. 

Do you have any fundraising resources to help me? I’m worried I won’t raise all the money needed for my sponsorship pledge.

Please try not to worry, you’ll receive support with hitting your fundraising target every step of the way. You’ll receive lots of fundraising tips by email. You can also join our Team Cats Facebook group to chat with other Cats Protection fundraisers and share fundraising ideas and tips.

I’d like my fundraising to go to a specific Cats Protection branch/adoption centre, how do I do this?

Thank you for choosing to support your local Cats Protection branch/adoption centre. 

Typically when you’re either signing up to an event or paying in your fundraising through the Cats Protection webpage, there will be an option for you to choose your local branch/adoption centre. Once you’ve chosen a branch/adoption centre, the money you raise automatically gets sent to your branch/adoption centre of choice. 

If you’ve created a JustGiving page, it’d be great if you could mention the branch/adoption centre you’re fundraising for on your page.

Lastly, if you’re paying in your money a different way, please email with your name, event details and which branch/adoption centre you’d like your money to go and we can help you with this.

My fundraising pack and race top

What do you get in a fundraising pack?

Your fundraising pack is full of tips and ideas to help you smash your fundraising target. It also includes a sponsorship form, fundraising guide, sticker and a fundraising lanyard if your fundraising target is over £750.

When will I receive my fundraising pack?

Fundraising packs are typically sent out within 14 days after you sign up for an event. 

How do I get a Cats Protection top?

If you’ve signed up to fundraise for Cats Protection by doing a run or walk and have also set up a JustGiving page, you’ll receive a Cats Protection top. You will get asked for your top size when you sign up for an event.

What sizes are available for a Cats Protection top?

We have a variety of ladies’ and men’s sizes ranging from XS to XXL. You will get asked for your top size when you sign up for an event.

When will I receive my Cats Protection top?

Tops are typically sent out within 14 days from when you sign up.

I haven’t received my Cats Protection top, what should I do?

If you haven’t received your top after 14 days of signing up to your event, please email with your name, the event, required top size and postal address.

The race top I’ve received is the wrong size, what should I do?

Please email and let us know your name, the event, the new top size needed and your postal address.

If you’ve not worn your first Cats Protection top, we’d be grateful if you could return it to our office using these details: FAO Events team, National Cat Centre, Chelwood Gate, Haywards Heath, RH17 7TT.

Can’t find the answer to your question?

We're here to help! If you can’t find the answer to your question within our FAQs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Events team today. You can email or phone 01825 741 960. One of the team is usually available between Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

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