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Be there for stray moggies this spring

Moggies have long been getting a bad reputation. When you search online or in the dictionary, the results define these cats as 'unremarkable'. We know that moggies are so much more than that.

Whether they’re a knowledgeable kitty, timid tabby, friendly feline, serial sleeper or a playful puss; each is full of purrsonality and has lots of love to give. They're a limited edition of one.

Worryingly, the number of vulnerable moggies is rising. Cats becoming stray is the most common reason our care is needed - with over 4,000 abandoned moggies needing our love and attention each year. 

That’s why we urgently need your support.

A gift from you can help stray moggies reach their happily ever after in a home as mognificent as they are. Your contribution will make a difference in caring for neglected and vulnerable moggies in your local area. Thank you.

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raised of a £0 target by 7 supporters

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Give to help cats like Al

Hungry, neglected and terrified, poor Al was a stray found on the streets of Greater Manchester, in desperate need of safety. He was curled up in a shop alleyway in a terrible state; starving, afraid and weak. Severely underweight, Al had lost most of his teeth and had trouble breathing too, likely the symptom of unmanaged cat flu.  

Despite the streets taking its toll on Al, he was such a little fighter. With lots of love, care, and patience, this beautiful boy was able to recover with growing confidence. Understandably, he could be a bit nervous around people he didn’t know and was always so gentle. 

Today, he’s bouncier than ever. Quick to chase ribbons, seek out the warmest lap and even munch on his favourite food with gusto – despite only having four teeth!

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