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Find out more about the Cat Guardians service, ensuring there is always a cat lover there for your cat should you pass away


Please complete the form and we will send you a free information booklet which has everything you will need to register if you decide to do so

Step 1
Your Details
Step 2

Enter a postcode and select the correct address from the results returned, or click here to enter your address manually

We'd love to keep in touch, by telling you about our work with cats, inviting you to support fundraising appeals, join events, campaigns or to volunteer. However, we don't want to bother you unnecessarily. That is why we may analyse your personal information (and in some cases add publicly available information) to help ensure we send you communications we think you will care about. Rest assured, we'll never swap or sell any details about you with other organisations.

If you'd like to receive information from Cats Protection in the following ways, please tick accordingly:

If you wish to change the ways we contact you, please contact Supporter Services by telephoning 0800 917 2287 Monday to Friday during office hours (9am-4.30pm), emailing or writing to us at Freepost Cats Protection.

We will also process your data for administrative purposes and to fulfil your booklet.

Please visit if you have any questions about how we use your data.

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